Saturday, 22 April 2017

Montessori inspired shelf activities for toddlers

Simple activities set up by me for my 19 month toddler. lets have a look at what are they.

1. Language - We have 101 first words book for language. This is very nice and good book for language building and vocabulary building. The book has nice colourful pictures and kids can relate to them as most of them are used by in their daily routine.

2. Wooden peg puzzle - We have a wooden peg puzzle for problem solving. it is divide into equal square shapes. Now my toodler maatches it according to the color. A very simple puzzle to start for your toodlers. Puzzles help build their problem solving capability and enhance their thinking skills.

3. Fine motor activity - I have used the loom flower sacha or the one used for making yarn flowers for this activity. And I have used straws. The activity is to put the straws on the sacha. A simple and quick made activity witht he things available at home.

4. Matching activity - Some flashcards and magnet made this activtiy. I had fruit flashcards and some fruit magnets. So thought to make a matching activity with these and it turned out very well.

5. Practical life skill activity - Pompoms and a scoop is all enough for this practical life skill activity. The kid has to transfer the pompom to other container using a scoop.

6. Art Section- This is the most fun activity section for us. This time I have kept some sketch pens and a paper for art section. the kid can scribble and have fun. Free end drawing is so important for them at this age to explore their creative minds.

Check the complete video here -

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