Saturday, 22 April 2017

PIsta shell art for kids

Best out of waste project for kids.

Pista shells can be used in so many different creative ways. One of them is for making greeting cards. Pista shells really make wonderful greeting cards and is a very nice art actiity for kids to try out.

check the complete video

It was summer vacation We had relatives at our place. So thought do some art related activity with the kids. I had some pistachios shells at home. I love making DIY projects, so had kept them for some project. Kids had a great time  making the pista shell art. It is very nice to give kids exposure to different art medium other than only brushes.


1. colour the pista shells with the color of your wish.
2. After completing the colouring work, let it dry for some time.
3. Now take a paper and draw the outline you want for your art work like a tree or a flower or whatever you want.
4. Now paste the colored pista shells accordingly and look how lovely the outcome will be.
5. Do share your work with us. We would love to see your kids creativity. Mail me at

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